Saturday, June 6, 2009


So Amie and I are crazy! For those of you that know us, it is really true! So "we" started taking pregnancy tests 4 days post transfer. Well on day 5 we got a BFP!!! It was faint, but still there! So she has continued to take pregnancy tests and they are still positive. Yesterday we couldn't wait so she went in for a blood test! See, I told you we are crazy! It too was positive! Then she tested again this morning and the line was MUCH darker! Yeah! We have our beta on monday! So now we wait some more and pray! Everyone think sticky thoughts!


  1. WOW!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :) :)

    :sticky thoughts:

  2. Congrats! I look forward to following your journey; our GS gave birth to our baby boy last Tuesday.
